The 65th ALL ASIAN DX CONTEST – 2024

 (1) CW: From 00:00 UTC the third Saturday of June to 24:00 UTC the next day
       <48 hours>   (June 15-16,2024)
 (2) Phone: From 00:00 UTC the first Saturday of Sept. to 24:00 UTC the next day
       <48 hours>   (Sept. 7-8, 2024)
   Amateur bands 160m, 80m, 40m, 20m, 15m, 10m03. ENTRY CATEGORIES
■Asian stations (Japanese(JA) stations included)

Single OperatorSingle BandHigh PowerSO160HP~SO10HP
Low PowerSO160LP~SO10LP
All BandsHigh PowerSOABHP
Multi-OperatorSingle Transmitter (multi band only)M/S
Multi-Operator Multi Transmitter
(multi band only)

■DX(Non-Asian stations)

Single OperatorSingle BandSO160~SO10
All BandsSOAB
Multi-OperatorSingle Transmitter (multi band only)M/S
Multi-Operator Multi Transmitter
(multi band only)

1: Single Operator stations means that one person performs all concerned
 operations during contest period.
2: Low Power stations are limited to 100W output or less. No limitation is applied
 to High Power stations other than legal limit in each country or territory.
3: Junior stations’ operator age must be 19 years old or younger, and Senior
 operators must be 70 years old or older.(For JA stations only)
4: 10 minutes rule(CQ WW method) is applied to Multi-Operator Single Transmitter
 stations. The 10 minute rule means that when you change bands, you must stay in
 that band for at least 10 minutes after first establishing contact.
 However, one-and only one other band may be used during any 10 minutes period
 if and only if the station worked is a new multiplier.
 This rule is applied to not only the running stations, but also to the stations
 searching for multipliers respectively.
5: All transmitters of Multi-Operator Multi Transmitter station must be located in
 a circle of 500m diameter.

◇ Power, Type of Emission and Frequencies:Within the limits of own station license.

 (1) CW ……….. “CQ AA”
 (2) Phone…….. “CQ AA Contest”

 (1) For Single Operator stations: RS(T) report plus operators’ age,
  but if the Operator does not want to send his/her age, RS(T)
  report plus”01″ (zero one) can be sent.
  For example (the operator age is 25 years old):
   Phone………5925 (or 5901), CW…………59925(or 59901)
 (2) For Multi-Operator stations: RS(T) report plus the averaged age of operators.
  For example (the operators are 25 and 35 years old):
   Phone………5930, CW…………59930
 (1)  No cross band contact is permitted.
 (2)  No change of operating site is permitted.
 (3)  For single Operator and Multi-Operator Single Transmitter entry:
    Transmitting two signals or more at the same time, including cases of
    different bands, is not permitted.
    Except transmitting two signals to get New Multiplier under the 10 minutes rules.
 (4)  For Multi-Operator entry: Transmitting two signals or more at the same time
    within the same band is not permitted.
 (5)  No contact made through repeaters is permitted.
 (6)  Use of information technology such as packet cluster,
    web cluster, cw skimmer and reverse beacon netwark is permitted.
 (7)  Self-spotting or asking for spotting on packet cluster is not permitted.
 (8)  The remote operation (all of the antenna, transmitter, receiver in one location)
   is permitted. All remote operation stations shall obey the rules associated with
   the station license, operator license and the contest rules.
 (9)  Use of the remote receiver located outside the location of the radio station
   installation of transmitter, receiver and antenna is prohibited.
 (10) Post-contest creation or correction of contest log and/or confirmation of contest
   QSO is not permitted by any means such as detabase, recording and/or e-mail.
   However,the conversion of handwritten log to electronic log is permitted.
 (11) During the contest period or after the contest, it is prohibited to
   communicate the operation information of your own station to others using
   means other than amateur radio (telephone, Internet, etc.).
 (1) For Asian stations:
  ① Points……..Completed contact will be scored as follows. Contact among same
   entities will neither count as a point nor a multiplier. Duplicate contact with
   the same station on same band will not count as a point.

     160m band……3 points per Asian QSO. 9 points per Non-Asian QSO.
     80m band …….2 points per Asian QSO. 6 points per Non-Asian QSO.
     10m band …….2 points per Asian QSO. 6 points per Non-Asian QSO.
     Other bands….1 point per Asian QSO. 3 points per Non-Asian QSO.

  ②Multipliers……..The total number of different entities
             (according to the DXCC List) worked on each band.
 (2) For non-Asian stations:
  ① Points…….Completed contact with Asian stations
    (excluding U.S. auxiliary military radio stations in the Far East, Japan)
    will be counted as follows:

     160m band…………..3 points
     80m band ……………2 points
     10m band ……………2 points
     Other bands…………1 point

  ② Multipliers…….The total number of different Asian Prefixes
    (according to the WPX Contest rules) worked on each band.

 (3) JD1 stations.
   ●JD1 stations on Ogasawara (Bonin and Volcano) Islands belong to Asia.
   ●JD1 stations on Minami-tori Shima(Marcus) Islands belong to Oceania.

 (4) Maritime Mobile Stations
   For all maritime mobile stations at any location (no matter outside or
   inside Asia), completed contacts with only Asian stations can be counted.
   The total score will be published in the contest results. But, they will
   not be ranked. Contacts points with maritime mobile stations will be considered
   as same as contacts among Asian stations. But, it will not count as multiplier.

 (1) Multi-band
   (The total of the contact points on each band) x
                (The total of the multipliers on each band)
 (2) Single-Band
   (The total contact points on the band) x (The total multipliers on the band)

 (1) Submit a summary sheet and logs of only one entry classification.
   E-mail submission will be welcomed.
    ●E-mail submission
        JARL Format   or   Cabrillo Format.

 The E-log Reception list at following URL shows all received E-mail submission by the contest desk.
 These data are automatically updated but it may take several minitues before the list is next updated.

  ● CW
  ● Phone

 (2)The submission address is as follows
   ●E-mail submissions to:

   ●The submission address of the mail to:
     JARL, All Asian DX Contest, 170-8073, Japan
       Indicate CW or Phone on the envelope.

 ◆Deadlines for submissions:
   ①CW……………….June 27, 2024
   ②Phone…………..September 19, 2024


It is recommended to use JARL A.A. Contest Log and Summary sheet which are available from JARL HQ for two IRC and SAE. (Summary and Log are also available as “PDF files” from the JARL Web site)a. Paper log entry is only accepted when the log and summary sheets are filled by hand writing and including not more than 100 QSO.b. Each Summary sheet must include your DXCC entity, callsign used, entry class, multipliers by band, points by band and total score. It should also include a signed declaration indicating that you have observed the rules and regulations of the contest. Multi-Operator stations must submit a list of all operators call-sign or name.c. Log sheet must contain band, date, time in UTC, call of station worked, exchange sent, exchange received, multipliers and QSO points. Use a separate sheet for each band.(For Single Transmitter entry:in order of the time contacted). Multipliers should be clearly marked by entities or Asian prefixes, first time worked on each band.

  (1) The highest scorer on each Continent and each category will receive an electronic certificate.
(2) Electronic certificates will be awarded to those having the high scores in each category and in proportion to the number of participants from each entity and each US CQ Zone 3, 4, and 5 in the United States.

  ① If the number of participants are 10 or less there will be an Award
    only to the highest scorer
  ② From 11 to 20 participants ………… Awards to the highest scorer and the runner-up
  ③ From 21 to 30 participants ………… Awards to the top three
  ④ 31 or more participants …………….. Awards to the top five

 (3) The highest scorer among JARL members in each category and
  in each Japanese call area electronic certificates , provided being in the top half ranking in each category,
  with the exception of the stations being presented the certificates of (1) or (2).
 (4) The Generation Overlay certificates are presented as electronic certificates to
  the top 5 scorers used their age as the contest exchange, in each Japanese call area and in each generation group, with the exception of the stations being presented the certificates of (1), (2) or (3) .

    ・ Generations are divided into the following groups
     -19 years old or younger
     -20 to 59 years old
     -60 to 69 years old
     -Over 70 years old

 (1) False statements in the report.
 (2) Violations of the contest rules.


Results will be published in the Spring, 2025 issue of JARL News and will also be appeared on JARL’s web site (
For those wishing to receive contest results by post, please enclose two IRC with your log.

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